Inline Lunge

Quickly measure and calculate Movement Screens

This assessment is used to assess your ability to safely move through a large movement pattern, namely the lunge. It measures your stability as well as your ability to control your hips and core through a dynamic movement pattern that forces you to balance. Also, because it is conducted on the left and right sides, it will identify gaps in symmetry.

Inline Lunge Protocol


The inline lunge movement mimics lower-extremity deceleration and direction changes produced in sport, exercise, and daily activity. This test evaluates lower-extremity mobility and stability, as well as flexibility of the back and hamstrings.


Screening Kit


  • Record the length of the client’s tibia, measuring it from the floor to the top center of the tibia, and mark the appropriate site on the board.
  • Instruct the client to place the toe of their back foot at the start line of the board.
  • Instruct the client put their heel of the front foot at the appropriate mark on the board.
  • Place the dowel behind the his/her back, touching the back of head, thoracic spine and sacrum.
  • Have the client’s hand opposite the front foot, grasp the dowel at the cervical spine, and the opposite hand grasping at the lumbar spine.
  • Instruct the client to lower their back knee to touch the board behind the heel of the front foot and return to the starting position.
  • The dowel must maintain its perpendicular position throughout both the downward and upward movements.
  • Perform test on each side up to 3 times and record best score.

Inline Lunge Calculation

3 - Dowel contact-points maintained, dowel is perpendicular, no torso movement, feet remain in sagittal plane, knee touches board behind heel of front foot
2 - Dowel contact-points not maintained, dowel not perpendicular, feet do not remain in sagittal plane, knee does not touch behind heel of front foot
1 - Loss of balance
0 - Pain is associated while performing the movement

Calculation Result

Inline Lunge (Final Score)-

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