
Featured Trainer: Daryll Joseph


Company: Swagger State Athletics

Name: Daryll Joseph

Occupation: Certified Personal Trainer

Location: Conroe, TX, USA

Training Environment: Small gym and outdoor parks

What’s your favorite quote or motto?

“A constant state of readiness.” This is Swagger State’s slogan.

Why are you passionate about personal training?

As a former high school and collegiate athlete, this is my dream job. I get to help people deny themselves and overcome. The most inspiring people in my life growing up, other than my mom, was my high-school and college strength and conditioning coaches. Plus, it’s no surprise to anyone who truly knows me that this is what I’m doing for a living. The only other job that I can think of that gets to help people overcome are preachers.

What type of clients or members do you serve?

Local men and women ages 30 – 50 years of age. House wives to executives with busy lives and kids. They are all looking to get their Swagger back. I do have a couple of 20 year old students but I try not to take on too many.

What is Swagger State’s value proposition?

Swagger State is a fitness company using scientific research, innovative thinking and technology to develop and deliver structured fitness plans to achieve the specific goals of any client.

We are fitness professionals providing a wide range of fitness products and services designed to be utilized as solutions for our client’s health, fitness, and performance needs. This includes exercise testing & prescription, short-term and long-term planning, fitness training and software services.

What Makes Swagger State Unique?

We focus on improving physical fitness levels and solidifying adherence to exercise. We accomplish this through comprehensive data collection, scientifically-informed exercise prescription, movement mastery and meaning along with motivational tracking and reporting tools.

What are you working on, or plan to work on, to grow your business?

A strong community and social media presence. I want us to be a, tried and true, recommended community resource

What have been your biggest challenges as a personal trainer and business owner?

I believe in building a reputation and then build your business. This, at times, makes for slower growth than I want.

Why did you originally sign up for TrainerMetrics?

I saw a great tracking, reporting and selling tool, so I signed up!

Have you used any other apps or software for your personal training business?

Yes, I currently use ExeRx as my exercise prescription tool. I am a co-founder of this web app.

Why do you currently use TrainerMetrics?

  1. I use the app for selling and planning new clients
  2. I use it to track and report progress or lack thereof to my existing clients.
  3. I also use it to resell and plan future training phases for existing clients

What parts of your day to day activities are easier from using TrainerMetrics?

Sales, tracking and reporting processes are a lot smoother. The layout of the reports are very easy to read and understand.

How has your client base been affected by your use of TrainerMetrics?

They have a better understanding of where they are compared to where they need to be. Our clients understand the reasoning for the adjustments that need to be made. They like charts and graphs and they are more motivated and look forward to seeing them every 4 weeks. This all increases adherence.

What other features or use would you like to get from TrainerMetrics?

Athletic and muscular performance focused features.