TrainerMetrics updates
TrainerMetrics updates

Senior Fitness Metrics




Without question, 'Baby Boomers' make up a large portion of personal training clients regardless if you're managing a studio or large facility.

That said, our friends at Human Kinetics and Cal State Fullerton published Senior Fitness Assessments that a large portion of the TrainerMetrics community use on a frequent basis.

These assessments include:

  • Body Mass Index
  • 30-Second Arm Curl
  • Back Scratch
  • Chair Sit & Reach
  • 30-Second Chair Stand
  • 8-Foot Up & Go
  • 6-Minute Walk
  • 2-Minute Step

The problem is that until recently these assessments did not exist within TrainerMetrics…until now.

Today, everyone has access to our Senior Fitness Metrics within any Testing, Metrics, Notes, or Reporting module in TrainerMetrics.

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If you're interested in activating these Metrics for your clients make sure you update your Account and Profile Settings so your Supervisors and Staff have access to these new tools.

Your clients may not want to have their skin pinched, lift heavy barbells, or run on treadmills to evaluate their fitness but they likely would be willing to perform some of these new assessments to understand if they are becoming more mobile and active.

Custom Forms




It goes without saying that personal training clients (or trainers) are required to fill out a handful of forms before they even get started with their first session.

TrainerMetrics has always been a crucial solution in the client onboarding process when it comes to fitness assessments and data capture, however, what about all of those forms that need to be completed?

We're excited to announce that Custom Forms are here.


Forms are located in the new Library module on the header navigation and can be created using typical Question Types like Yes/No, Multiple Selection, Short Answer, Numbers, and Multiple Choice.


A key differentiator is the ability to assign a Form to the Create Profile and Profile Info pages so that trainers can access these forms when they are onboarding new clients or following up with existing clients.

Once a Form is completed by either trainer or client, a PDF version of the form is automatically saved to the client's Profile - File Manager to keep track of versioning.


If there is a need to have clients complete a Form on their own time, within a few seconds any user can email a Form to multiple clients at once from the Profile List page.

With Custom Forms, owners, managers, and trainers can create whatever Form makes sense for the business including Intake Forms, Satisfaction Surveys, Goal Questionnaires, etc.

Gone are the days of using manilla folders to hold on to forms while all clients' fitness data is housed in TrainerMetrics.

Metrics Unit of Measure & Conversion




The best comment we received from a new customer was, "your product name is TrainerMetrics…but you don't support the metric system."

From this point moving forward TrainerMetrics supports both Imperial and Metric units of measure so that trainers and businesses outside of the United States can calculate, store, and report on data that best suits their needs.

That said, this setting can be configured on the account-level so that any new profile that is created automatically defaults to 'Metric' or 'Imperial'


Regardless whether or not the Testing Management setting is defined, any user can select the appropriate Unit of Measure from the Create Profile page when onboarding a new client.


Finally, if there are already profiles created for clients and there is a need to convert their current Imperial measurements to Metrics units, this can easily be done on the Profile Info page by selecting from the drop down and clicking [Save].


Once a profile is set to 'Metric' all measurements and resulting data will automatically convert. This includes forms, charts, tables that live on Create Profile, Overview, Testing, Goals, Metrics, Reports, and Profile Info pages.


At first glance, this may seem like a small change to TrainerMetrics. However, this is a massive change to our global community that has been eager to use TrainerMetrics with their client base but have not been able to simply because they were constrained.

More to come.

Profile Gallery is now File Manager




There's nothing more frustrating than being constrained, especially when you know there is a better way. At least this is how the TrainerMetrics community has felt when trying to save files to TrainerMetrics.

In the past, personal trainers have used the Profile Gallery feature so that they can upload and save images for clients. Although the point of Profile Gallery was to encourage trainers to upload progress photos, we've seen everything from exercises to screenshots of workout cards uploaded to the Gallery.

Today, Gallery is now File Manager.


This means that trainers can upload an image, video, or document to TrainerMetrics and sort by upload date, file name, file type, and the user that uploaded the file.


The TrainerMetrics community has been eager to move their existing documents held in folders and filing cabinets to TrainerMetrics, evolving their processes to digital. That is now possible.

Profile Notepad and Journal




There are times when trainers jot down high-level notes on their clients that need to be referenced frequently, as well as a note that might need to be assigned to specific assessments or exercises.

This week we released the ability to accomplish both of these functions.


Whether a trainer is working with a new client and needs to quickly record goals, motivating factors, medical issues, or just fun facts…this can now be completed on the Create Profile page.


As well as within the client Profile.


This is a lightweight note-taking feature that can be activated by clicking on the text box and selecting [Save].


The second type of note-taking functionality that our community has been asking for is the ability to assign a specific note to an assessment or exercise.


This is especially important for documenting if a client is limited in their ability to accomplish an assessment or any potential liability that can be referenced by date/time and staff member.


Note-taking is a foundational aspect of personal training and we are excited that the TrainerMetrics community has the opportunity to record more than just objective data on their clients.

Account Analytics





As a trainer, the ability to communicate accurate results over time to clients is "table stakes" and that's the primary reason why we built TrainerMetrics in the first place.

What has been missing is the ability to look at all client results on a single page. Whether it be a leaderboard or challenge, the aggregate view of how effective trainers are at getting clients to their goals should exist.

Now it does.

Account Analytics is a new feature that makes analyzing your client performance as easy as counting from 1 to 5. Screen Shot 2021-08-31 at 8.54.03 AM.png

Simply add the assessment/metrics you want to report on and select age groups, biological sex, timeframe…select [Run] and view a sorted list of clients that have made the most progress.

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You'll also notice that you can view this data visually by selecting the Chart icon on the far right of the Report Details page.

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Once you are satisfied with your new report, make sure to [Save] it to your Reports List so that you can review or share at any time.

This is our first step at being able to provide Owners, Manager, Trainers, and Clients a simple way to gain insights into the performance of their fitness services. More to come.





Profile and User Compliance





The idea of trainer and client "compliance" is a topic that has come up quite a bit within the TrainerMetrics community over the last year. Although trainers generally know when they should reevaluate their client's fitness, it's easy to forget.

That's why we released new Metrics Management settings and a refreshed Profile List to help managers, trainers, and clients stay on the same page when it comes to compliance.

Metric's Reminders is a simple way to set a standard amount of days between assessments. They can be set at the Account-level so that all profiles reference this information:

account-metrics-reminders_20200316.png *Weight is set at the account level to a default of 42 days.

Metrics Reminders can also be adjusted on the Profile-level, just in case your clients' needs are more customized compared to the general client:


If you are wondering how you can see this information from a high-level, take a look at your Profile List or one of your trainer's Profile Lists to see an actionable view of clients that have:

  • Not completed a PAR-Q.
  • Not completed at least 1 assessment (metric).
  • With an assessment (metric) that is overdue based on Metrics Reminders.
  • No future Goal Date or Goal Value.


For managers, this makes is extremely easy to review all trainers and make sure that clients are cleared for exercise, reevaluations are completed, and goals are established.

Goals Update





Until now trainers have only been able to set client goals for an individual assessment as well as they weren't able to set a goal completion date.

That's no longer the case.

Within a Profile, there is a new feature on the left-side navigation, "Goals". This page will show users all assessments that have been completed and relevant assessment data, making it very easy to set client Goal and Goal Date:


Note, the date field is labeled Next Goal and Next Goal Date. This makes it very easy to set multiple goals for the same assessment. For example, if a client wants to lose 10-pounds over the next 2 months, a trainer can set a 5-pound weight loss goal for each of the 2 months.


Set realistic goals, and track client progress until success.

It's that easy.

Metrics Management





We never thought that we would have developed have too many fitness assessments and tests until recently.

With over 60 assessments and calculations, the TrainerMetrics community let us know that it has been increasingly difficult to sift through all of the assessments and reports when trying to show class client results.

Now you can select exactly what assessments you want your account to display over every feature of TrainerMetrics including a Profile Overview, Fitness Testing, Metrics, and Reporting functionality.

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To access these settings all you need to do is sign in to your account:

  • Click your name in the top right,
  • Select "Settings", and
  • Choose the "Metrics Management" tab, and
  • Uncheck all assessments that you want to hide.

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This makes it simple to filter out every assessment and evaluation that doesn't make sense to your business or clients while keeping the ones that do.

Profile Reports v2





Profile reports got a new look as of today.

Instead of printing one-off reports, we updated your experience to provide flexibility in what you would like to include in your client Progress Reports.

We realized this was a total pain for trainers and most of them weren't providing their client's reports simply because it took too long and the couldn't assemble the reports that actually mattered.

Tip #1: Use the multi-select functionality to group all reports in a single PDF:

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Tip #2: Any time you select more than one report, a cover page will be included:

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Assembling different types of fitness reports is easier than ever. Whether you want to provide your client with recent updates, recommended corrective exercise, or blood pressure history, just select the reports and click "Print".